Frequently asked questions and Terms of Service
The safest, most comfortable way to get rid of troubling ear wax is to have it removed by a professional using microsuction. Hear Today offers microsuction earwax removal in your own home by trained practitioners.
We understand you may have some questions, hopefully, we've covered most of them below...

Why do our ears cause us so many problems?
Do I need to use drops prior to having my ears cleared?
Why is microsuctioning better than ear syringing?
Ear canals are one of the only closed ended or blind tube-like structure in our body and can be prone to becoming blocked with hard wax that you can't get rid of at home. This is often more common as we get older due to age related changes, some medications and problems accessing treatments. Foreign objects such as small beads and cotton buds can also get stuck deep in the ear canal causing pain, discomfort and sometimes infection.
We recommend using olive oil or bicarbonate of soda drops 3-4 times a day for 3-4 days prior to our visit. Using drops will help soften your wax and make removal a lot more comfortable. It may be possible to clear your ears out without using drops however it can be uncomfortable as the wax is often dried and stuck onto the ears canal.
Microsuction is the preferred method of wax removal in the NHS and private sector and has a lot less associated risks compared to ear irrigation and syringing. Ear syringing is a "blind" process that requires a water jet with sufficient pressure to dislodge wax this is known at times to cause pain and lead to damage. Microsuction is performed under direct vision and is a lot less likely to cause trauma or damage to the delicate structures of the ear as wax is vacuumed out under the careful eye of a trained practitioner.
What should I expect at my consultation?
How much is it and how long does it take?
Are there any side effects?
Every consultation is undertaken by one of our practitioners, an experienced professional fully trained by an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) consultant. We go further than most ear care providers and every consultation starts with a visual inspection of the outer structures of the ear for signs of common skin problems such as basal cell carcinomas (BCC), actinic keratosis, seborrheic keratosis and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). We then proceed to inspect your ear canal and will advise if microsuction is right for you before getting your consent and proceeding.
We charge a flat fee of £60 to visit you at home for microsuctioning of one or both ears. This is the most that you will pay, there are no hidden costs. In most cases it takes about 30 minutes, but it should take no longer than 1 hour to assess and clear your ears. If it takes any longer you will not be charged any extra. If your ears do not require or are not suitable for microsuction, we will charge a flat fee of £20 for the home visit and provide an Ear Health report for you to give to your GP. We will also provide you with advice on how best to proceed with your ear symptoms.
You may experience some side effects with Microsuction. Most of these are mild and temporary however like all clinical procedures some can be protracted or even permanent. Side effects may include: Dizziness: Either during or after the procedure. This is because as your ear is unblocked the change in temperature and pressure can cause you to feel unsteady. This is unusual but if it does happen it usually settles within 10 minutes or so. Tinnitus: Usually after the procedure. This is caused by the noise of the suction and the pressure change in the ear canal. It usually resolves within a few hours. Reduced hearing: Usually after the procedure, it is quite common and usually resolves within an hour or so. Infection: There is a small risk of infection after procedure. This is minimised by using the right equipment and ensuring the delicate skin in the ear is not traumatised.
Wax removal by micro suction under direct vision is considered safer than other methods such as syringing. Your ear wax removal will be performed by a trained practitioner, occasionally they will need to use additional instruments such as forceps or wax hooks.
Complications of ear wax removal are uncommon, especially with micro-suction. However, possible minor risks that can occur and are deemed to be acceptable include: small nicks to the ear canal which can result in minor bleeding, soreness, mild discomfort and short-term ringing in the ear (tinnitus). To ensure the risk of complication is minimal, it is essential that accurate past medical history is provided to our practitioners. More serious risk to the ear or eardrum can occur if the client does not or cannot remain adequately still during the procedure. Clients should inform the practitioner of any likely movements.
Further possible complications, side-effects and material risks inherent in the procedure include but are not limited to the incomplete removal of ear wax requiring a return visit (for severely impacted wax), persistent tinnitus, perforation of the eardrum, hearing loss and infection. To keep the risk of infection to a minimum, all equipment used in the ear is sterilised or single-use. However, there is always a risk that infection may occur once out of the practitioner's care. Please contact your GP should you experience any discomfort or worrying symptoms suggestive of infection.
The CE marked suction unit is designed to remove fluids from the airway or respiratory support system and infectious materials from wounds. It has been adapted for the use of aural micro-suction.
The above terms of service represent industry standard terms, prior to the procedure you will be expected to sign a consent form stating that you have read, understood and agreed to these terms.